Tag Archive 'loud car stereos'

Jul 03 2008

Your stupid car stereo!

Published by under Jerks,Why?!?

Stupid car stereo

You know what my least favorite song is? The one coming from your stupid car.

I especially love to hear the trunk of your pimped-out Honda Civic rattle and buzz as you cruise your turf (from Home Depot to the Banana Republic) wit da boyz. You’re probably saying “hey, I bet you crank your car stereo sometimes” and the answer is yes BUT having perfect musical taste as I do, it’s a treat for those around me. It’s like a free concert of awesome music! As I drive by people give me thumbs up and yell “THAAAAANK YOOOOOU!”

Your music, on the other hand, is shit. Also, that racing fin on the back of your Ford Fiesta ain’t doing nothing but making you look douchey.

You and your stupid, loud car stereo just made my list!

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