Tag Archive 'republicans'

Nov 07 2008

People who voted YES on California’s proposition 8!

I am going to force myself to keep this brief because when I start talking about the subject of gay marriage my fucking blood beings to boil. I can LITERALLY feel my chest tighten right now as I type this. So this will be short or I will die.

If you don’t know, a vote YES on prop 8 means you are voting for a ban on gay marriage. This ridiculous legislation just passed in California with 52.5% in favor of the ban and 47.5% in favor of gay marriage. While the rest of the country took a gigantic step forward with Tuesday’s election these fucking assholes took California back to the stone age. It sickens me.

I will NEVER understand why a person would give two shits about who marries who. It can not possibly affect anyone if two men or women who are in love get married. Simple as that. Oh, but you know right wingers operate solely on fear. Fear of gays, fear of a black president, fear of science, fear of immigrants, and most of all fear of their own sexual desires. I am not saying everyone who is against gay marriage is a closeted homosexual but those right wing, conservative, religious nuts have the most fucked up sexual fantasies on the planet.

The Mormon church spent MILLIONS working towards this ban. Can you imagine that? Think of all the people in need who they could have helped with that money but they decided it was more important that two people in a loving, committed relationship are not given the same basic freedom all Americans deserve. I’m sorry, but why is it OK for Moroms to marry like 10 women at a time?

This is not what America is all about. After Obama’s historic win Tuesday it is kind of easy to relax and think we fixed America. Now that the dust has cleared it’s time for all freedom loving people to do what they can to support your fellow Americans whether or not you agree with their lifestyle. We do not get to pick and choose who is free in this country, we all are.

49 responses so far

Sep 11 2008

Mid-day post: Republicans are really getting up my ass lately!

They say nothing because they have nothing to offer America. Republicans have no shame as are willing shit any piece of shit out of their shit holes if it will keep them in power. You’ve got to love Rudy Giuliani for making fun of Obama for dedicating himself to helping the poorest communities in Chicago. Yeah Rudy, Obama is such an asshole for helping the poor yet somehow he’s also “elitist?” Luckily the Republican base will eat up any piece of bullshit that is served to them as long as it’s wrapped in an American flag and served with a side of 9/11 fries (formerly known as freedom fries). Fuuuuuuck oooooooff.

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