Tag Archive 'guitar'

Jul 10 2009

The guitar solo in “Get Back” by The Beatles!

beatles rooftop concert

Please understand that I am not kidding and I am not trying to be funny or outrageous when I say that the guitar solo(s) in Get Back make me feel ill. I literally feel queasy and irritable the second I hear that muffled monstrosity of a guitar solo.

It’s not just the notes that are played, it’s the sound of the guitar. The Get Back lead guitar sound is the audio equivalent of some creepy stranger giving you an unwanted massage on the bus. Oh, and it’s summer and it just rained but the hot sun is now pouring through the bus windows turning the bus into a rolling greenhouse filled with the stale air from 10,000 armpits. And guess what? You also have the flu. You also just whipped up a fresh batch of diarrhea in your pants. Your snow pants. Yeah, that’s right, you are wearing snow pants in August because your fever is melting your brain and you can no longer tell the difference between winter and summer attire. When you turn around to feebly whisper the words “please stop touching me” you see that the sweaty ham hands belong to super-douche Guy Fieri. All you can do is sit in your poo-filled pants and cry while he describes things as “money.”

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Sep 26 2008

Lil’ Wayne for not being embarrassed to do this on Saturday Night Live!

When I saw Lil’ Wayne’s amazing guitar solo this past Saturday on SNL I just about peed my pants with excitement. This has got to be the saddest/funniest moment in the history of the guitar. You’ve got to love that nobody in his band had the balls to say, “Lil’, what’s the fucking deal with the guitar solo? Stop and never ever ever do that again.”

His guitar playing is so horrific it almost makes the rest of this crap song sound better. Doe anyone remember when music was good? I don’t. If you have not already seen this, please enjoy the world’s worst guitar solo!

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