Tag Archive 'oprah'

Nov 13 2009

Oprah fucking Winfrey!

oprah chimp victim

I have wanted to write about Oprah for a long time but never had the energy. I felt like I needed to present some intelligent argument with facts and figures, but after I saw the the interview Oprah did with the woman (Charla Nash) who had her face torn off by a chimp, I realized she does not deserve my time. Oprah is no better than a common freak show carnival barker and she disgusts me.

There is ABSOLUTELY no reason a woman who was injured by an animal to be front page news and there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for Oprah to interview said person. Unless their fucking face was ripped off by a monkey and they are horribly deformed, right Oprah? If a woman was kicked in the back by a horse and lost the use of her legs but looked just as pretty as ever, would high and mighty Oprah fight to be the first to interview them? Of course not. What Oprah did with this woman was nothing more than exploitation and it was disgusting. What can be learned from this interview? Nothing. She just wanted to be the first to reveal that horribly disfigured face for ratings.

What really pisses me off is that she is no better than Maury Povich and his parade of horribleness yet she is looked upon as the second coming. In fact, people are more devoted and obedient to her than they are to Jesus.

Oprah’s exploitation of this poor woman is no different than some carnival barker showing off the Elephant Man to crowds of horrified people. She can speak in all the hushed tones she wants but there is no difference.

Fuck Oprah and fuck her obnoxious disciples.

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