Tag Archive 'Steven Cojocaru'

Oct 22 2008

Steven Cojocaru aka “Cojo!”

I honestly don’t even know who or what this is. What am I even looking at here?

Here’s what I do know about this guy… they call him Cojo. That about sums it up. I didn’t even know his real name was Steven Cojocaru until I googled “cojo.”

It’s hard for me to learn more about this nightmare because he’s never on my TV for more than a second before I dive for the remote. If the remote is unavailable I throw a hammer at the screen (yes, I always have a hammer nearby). He honestly scares the shit out of me. He’s like that girl who walks all herky-jerky and backwards in “The Ring.”

I am going to go sit in the shower and cry now.

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